This made me think that perhaps the governor had been in an accident. So I googled "Governor Huntsman Arm" and it brought up this press release. It didn't say anything about an accident, but it talked about research projects Huntsman has helped along:
It also led to critically important research in cancer treatment, diabetes, genetics, as well as the robotic arm just to name a few.
Huntsman had been involved in the development of a robotic arm. My undoctored photo shows Huntsman with his arm in something.
Could it be that Huntsman is turning himself into a cyborg?
Since we are back into an age of conspiracy theories, I am left wondering if maybe Huntsman becoming a cyborg isn't part of a larger Republican conspiracy to turn all the governors into cyborgs. The Dick Cheney I read about on lefty blogs is the type of person who would engage in such a conspiracy.
Anyway, if looking at the first entry on a google search followed by linking together two disparate facts qualifies as research (which it just might these days) then I just may have stumbled on to something.
Huntsman had a shoulder operation. He injured his shoulder while lifting weights.
Unbeknowst to most people, Huntsman is a power lifter. He damaged his shoulder while benching the bar.
I googled "Huntsman shoulder." Sure enough, there was a large number of reports on the surgery.
It is amazing how language works. People like me who wonder why the governor's arm is in a brace have a hard time cluing in because those who are in the know correctly reported that the brace is the result of shoulder surgery.
I would say that language failed me, but I decided that my idea or Huntsman turning himself into a cyborg is much more compelling than what appears in the press; So, I think I will stick with it.
I can take your information that Governor Huntsman is into power lifting and claim that Jon Huntsman's obsession with powerlifting is the motivation for replacing his arm with a robotic arm. The Six Million Dollar Man could lift all sorts of things I couldn't.
I know! Governor Huntsman is obsessed with being able to out arm wrestle Jesse Ventura and the governator of California.
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