
Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Employees Are An Expense

Employees are expenses. Expenses are something to be reduced.

The greatest problem with American economics is that we've created an absolutely absurd system in which the overwhelming majority of people are expenses, and not owners.

When the vast majority is reduced to being nothing but an expense, the people must seek a political force to defend them else they will be quickly reduced to destitution.

The prosperity that our parents experienced happened because a greater percentage of them were owners. Now that our centralized banks, big insurance and centralized exchanges have locked out all but few insiders, the future of the average Americans has greatly diminished.

The first step to turning this economy around is to restore the concept of ownership.

The easiest path to this goal is with health care.

In the self-funded paradigm, people pay for their health care by building equity. People would build equity in times of health, then sell that equity in times of need.

Sadly, insurance companies came on the scene with the false promise that they could provide health security by having people move their equity into big group pools.

Pooled insurance moves health care resources from the top of the ledger into the expense column. With employer based insurance, a company will put all of the health resources of the workers in a big pool that they replenish on a quarterly basis. Your receiving health care is now on the expense side of your employer's ledger.

I repeat: In self-funded care, you pay for health care by owning things. With insurance, your health care is an expense for your employer.

Health insurance turns owners into mere expenses. Health insurance has done more to concentrate ownership than any other device.

If Americans rejected the false promise of insurance and revived the concept of self-funded health care, they could start turning around the economic and political centralization that is ruining our country.

Unfortunately, since the captured establishment controls health care, the only way to accomplish a revival of self-funded care is with a structured savings program. So, I've proposed creating a structured savings program called The Medical Savings and Loan to serve as an alternative to insurance. The program is run by a new position called Health Care Advocate. The advocate helps people set up and maintain their structured savings plan and helps negotiate price.

A plan that replaces centralized pools with individual equity can help restore the American experiment of self-government by empowering people as owners. The change will move Americans back from the expense column and put them at the top of the ledger as owners.

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