
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Progressive Dialectics

The Iranians praised the Egyptian antigovernment protests and are even actively stoking the revolution in Bahrain, while suppressing similar protests in their own nation.

Some members of the mainstream media have caught on to the duplicity.

This duplicity of having a different set of rules for the left and right is the beating heart of the modern progressive dialectic.

This idea is that the intelligentsia can engineer society by progressing society through a number of irreversible steps. If the army can take two steps forward with an occasional step back, the army will eventually conquer.

Groups using this modern dialectic try to structure one way valves. A group might have an aggressive recruitment program, then ostracize anyone who leaves the group.

Unions structure an election process where it is easy to vote a union in, and next to impossible to vote it out again.

These mechanisms are inherently dishonest.

Unfortunately, people are often only able to see the duplicity when exercised by the opposition.

Even worse, often leaders, watching the dishonest techniques of their opposition, respond by doubling down and becoming more dishonest in discourse themselves.

The challenge for the lovers of freedom is to challenge the inherent duplicity of the current political discourse, and turn our society back on the path of liberty and prosperity by genuine, honest debate about the nature of freedom.

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