
Saturday, January 08, 2011

Tea Party Summit

I signed up for the Tea Party Summit in Phoenix. The summit runs February 25 through 27.

If there is any interest, I run my Medical Savings and Loan Conference just after this summit. Blog posts simply are not sufficient to communicate what the MS&L is.

I really hate the idea of self-publishing an unedited book, but I decided to write up a pamphlet so that I could have something to sell in Phoenix.

This is the section I just wrote:

I created the Medical Savings and Loan by reverse engineering an insurance company. As such, the program is best understood in contrast to insurance. When talking about the Medical Savings and Loan it is important to realize that the same amount of money going through health insurance will go through the Medical Savings and Loan.

Arguments for or against the plan should start with the realization that both programs have the same amount of money. It is a question of structure and how the structure affects the use of our health care resources.

Most people reject the Medical Savings and Loan outright based on the false assumption that it is under funded. It has the same amount of funds as insurance. If the program can achieve efficiencies, then it will be significantly over-funded.

The savings accounts, loans reserves and grants are tools that transition a group policy into individual accounts. The Health Care Advocate program takes the internal bureaucracy and externalizes it. The program takes the medical records that are currently owned by the insurance company and places them in the possession of the policyholder.

Since people are now making their health care decisions with their own money, they are likely to be more frugal in their consumption. Since they advocates work directly for the patient, they will no longer be working at cross purposes to the people. Since the paperwork is owned by the policyholders, the system should optimize the processing of paperwork to the policyholder's needs.

The idea is simple if someone could just catch on to the fact that I am reverse engineering an insurance company so that we align our health care resources to the needs of the people and not the needs as of the bureaucracy.

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