
Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tie In

Oops, I forgot the tie in between the last two posts. In the fractional post I note that vouchers would increase per student spending and would increase total spending (private and public) on K-12 education.

Because the program is breaking an the educational monopoly (96% of the market) it would reduce total money controlled by the monopoly. So there would be less spending on public education. The reason for the Power v. Wealth post is that I figure that this last figure is really only of interest to people who consider the power of the public education to be more important to the wealth that students gain through increased spending on their education. The power weilded by the public teachers would decrease. If you consider this to be the primary factor in education they you should vote against the proposal. If you consider the wealth gained through diversity in education is more important; you should vote for the proposal.


  1. I trust you did not learn this twisted logic in a public school.

    Less spending on public education decreases the educational wealth of students and the diversity in education. What convoluted method you used to conclude the exact opposite is probably going to be taught in private schools, impoverishing their pupils

  2. I learned a great deal of twisted things from the socialistic teaching school. One of them is the logical fallacy that you put in your post.

    The primary concern of education should be the learning of the student.

    The message of the left is that the primary concern of education is the power of the public schools (or more specifically, the power of the teachers union.

    BTW, you are completely correct that I, just like the majority of Americans today, never had any training in logic, or civil discourse in a public education system that is more intent on creating mindless adherents than reasoning adults.

    We you look at the all of the low quality reasoning going on in the halls of power and on blogs. That is the result of the low quality of education coming from our socialized education system.
